TOP-10 inglizcha ertaklar bolalar uchun tarjimasi bilan
Ushbu sahifada bolalar uchun qisqa va qiziqarli inglizcha ertaklar to’plami joylashtirilgan. Har bir ertak matni ingliz tilida qisqacha yozilgan bo’lib ular o’zbekcha tarjimasi bilan joylangan. Ertak oxirida esa audio tinglash va video ko’rish uchun havola qoldirilgan. Ushbu kichik ertaklar bog’cha yoshidagi va maktab yoshidagi kichkintoy bolalarga albatta yoqadi degan umiddamiz. Marhamat!
1. Cinderella (Zolushka)
2. Little Red Riding Hood (Qizil qalpoqcha)
3. Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Goldiloks va uchta ayiq)
4. The Three Little Pigs (Uchta cho’chqacha)
5. Jack and the Beanstalk (Jek va loviya poyasi)
6. Hansel and Gretel (Hansel va Gretel)
7. The Ugly Duckling (Xunuk o’rdakcha/Irkit o’rdakcha)
8. The Tortoise and the Hare (Toshbaqa va quyon)
9. The Emperor’s New Clothes (Imperatorning yangi kiyimlari)
10. The Gingerbread Man (Pechenye odam)
Bolalar uchun inglizcha ertak 1: Cinderella (Zolushka)
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl named Cinderella who lived with her cruel stepmother and stepsisters. They treated her like a servant and made her do all the household chores.
One day, the King of the land announced that he was throwing a grand ball at the palace, and all the eligible maidens in the kingdom were invited. Cinderella’s stepsisters were excited to attend, but they refused to let her go.
Feeling sad and hopeless, Cinderella sat outside in the garden and cried. Suddenly, her fairy godmother appeared and offered to help her attend the ball. She turned a pumpkin into a magnificent carriage, mice into horses, and gave Cinderella a beautiful dress and glass slippers.
Cinderella arrived at the ball and immediately caught the attention of the prince. They danced together all night long, but when the clock struck midnight, she had to leave before her magic wore off. The prince searched for her but only found her glass slipper that she left behind.
The prince went from house to house trying the glass slipper on every maiden in the kingdom until he arrived at Cinderella’s home. Her stepsisters tried to fit into the slipper, but it only fit Cinderella’s foot perfectly.
The prince recognized her and asked her to marry him. Cinderella said yes, and they lived happily ever after. Her stepmother and stepsisters regretted their cruel behavior towards her and begged for forgiveness.
And so, Cinderella became a princess and lived a life full of love and happiness.
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Bir vaqtlar Zolushka ismli go’zal qiz bor edi, u shafqatsiz o’gay onasi va o’gay opalari bilan yashardi. Ular unga xizmatkordek munosabatda bo’lib, barcha uy yumushlarini bajarishga majbur qilishdi.
Bir kuni mamlakat podshosi saroyga katta to‘p tashlayotganini e’lon qildi va shohlikdagi barcha munosib qizlar taklif qilindi. Zolushkaning o’gay opalari ishtirok etishdan xursand bo’lishdi, lekin ular uni qo’yib yuborishdan bosh tortishdi.
O’zini qayg’uli va umidsiz his qilib, Zolushka tashqarida bog’da o’tirdi va yig’ladi. To’satdan uning cho’qintirgan onasi paydo bo’ldi va unga balga borishga yordam berishni taklif qildi. U qovoqni ajoyib aravaga, sichqonlarni otlarga aylantirdi va Zolushkaga chiroyli ko’ylak va shisha shippak berdi.
Zolushka to’pga keldi va darhol shahzodaning e’tiborini tortdi. Ular tun bo’yi birga raqsga tushishdi, lekin soat yarim tunni bosganida, u sehri o’chmasdan ketishiga to’g’ri keldi. Shahzoda uni qidirib topdi, faqat uning orqasida qoldirgan shisha shippagini topdi.
Shahzoda uyma-uy yurib, Zolushkaning uyiga yetib borguniga qadar qirollikdagi har bir qizga shisha shippak kiyib ko‘rdi. Uning o’gay opalari shippakka sig’ishga harakat qilishdi, lekin u faqat Zolushka oyog’iga juda mos keldi.
Shahzoda uni tanidi va unga turmushga chiqishni iltimos qildi. Zolushka ha dedi va ular abadiy baxtli yashashdi. O’gay onasi va o’gay opalari unga nisbatan qilgan shafqatsiz xatti-harakatlaridan pushaymon bo’lib, kechirim so’rashdi.
Shunday qilib, Zolushka malika bo’lib, sevgi va baxtga to’la hayot kechirdi.
Bolalar uchun inglizcha ertak 2: Little Red Riding Hood (Qizil qalpoqcha / Qizil shapkacha)
Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Little Red Riding Hood who lived in a small village with her mother. One day, her mother asked her to take a basket of goodies to her grandmother, who lived in the forest.
Little Red Riding Hood set out on her journey, but along the way, she met a sly and cunning wolf who asked her where she was going. Little Red Riding Hood innocently told him that she was going to visit her grandmother.
The wolf, who was hungry and wanted to eat both Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother, came up with a plan. He told Little Red Riding Hood to take a longer route through the forest while he took a shortcut to her grandmother’s house.
When Little Red Riding Hood arrived at her grandmother’s house, she found the wolf dressed in her grandmother’s clothes lying in her bed. The wolf tried to eat Little Red Riding Hood, but she was saved by a woodsman who heard her screams.
The woodsman killed the wolf and rescued Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother. From that day on, Little Red Riding Hood learned never to talk to strangers and always to stay on the path while traveling through the forest.
And so, Little Red Riding Hood returned home safely and promised never to stray from the path again. Her mother was overjoyed to see her daughter safe and sound, and they lived happily ever after.
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Bir paytlar Qizil qalpoqcha ismli qizaloq onasi bilan kichik bir qishloqda yashar edi. Bir kuni onasi undan o’rmonda yashovchi buvisiga bir savat shirinlik olib berishni so’radi.
Qizil qalpoqcha o’z yo’liga chiqdi, lekin yo’lda u qaerga ketayotganini so’ragan ayyor va ayyor bo’riga duch keldi. Qizil qalpoqcha begunoh unga buvisinikiga borishini aytdi.
Och qolgan va Qizil qalpoqchani ham, buvisini ham yemoqchi bo‘lgan bo‘ri bir reja tuzdi. U Qizil qalpoqchaga o’rmon bo’ylab uzoqroq yo’l bosib, buvisining uyiga yorliq bilan borishni aytdi.
Qizil qalpoqcha buvisining uyiga kelganida, u buvisining kiyimlarini kiygan bo’rini to’shagida yotganini ko’rdi. Bo’ri Qizil qalpoqchani yemoqchi bo’ldi, lekin uning qichqirig’ini eshitgan o’rmonchi uni qutqarib qoldi.
O’rmonchi bo’rini o’ldirdi va Qizil qalpoqchani va buvisini qutqardi. O’sha kundan boshlab Qizil qalpoqcha hech qachon begonalar bilan gaplashmaslikni va o’rmon bo’ylab sayohat qilishda doimo yo’lda qolishni o’rgandi.
Shunday qilib, Qizil qalpoqcha uyiga eson-omon qaytib keldi va boshqa yo’ldan adashmaslikka va’da berdi. Onasi qizini sog‘-omon ko‘rib, xursand bo‘lib, baxtli hayot kechirishdi.
Bolalar uchun inglizcha ertak 3: Goldilocks and the Three Bears (Goldiloks va uchta ayiq)
Once upon a time, there were three bears who lived in a cozy cottage in the woods. One day, they decided to go for a walk while their porridge cooled on the table.s
While they were gone, a curious little girl named Goldilocks stumbled upon their cottage. She peeked inside and saw the three bowls of porridge on the table. The first bowl was too hot, the second bowl was too cold, but the third bowl was just right. So she ate it all up.
After that, Goldilocks saw three chairs in the room. The first chair was too big, the second chair was too small, but the third chair was just right. But as she sat down, the chair broke into pieces.
Feeling tired, Goldilocks went upstairs and found three beds. The first bed was too hard, the second bed was too soft, but the third bed was just right. So she fell asleep.
When the three bears returned home, they noticed that someone had been inside their cottage. Papa Bear growled, Mama Bear sniffed, and Baby Bear cried when he saw his broken chair. But then they discovered Goldilocks sleeping in Baby Bear’s bed.
Goldilocks woke up to find three angry bears staring at her. She quickly jumped out of bed and ran out of the cottage as fast as she could.
From then on, Goldilocks learned to respect other people’s property and never to enter someone’s home without permission. And as for the three bears, they fixed their broken chair and enjoyed their porridge before settling down for a peaceful night’s sleep.
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Bir vaqtlar o’rmondagi shinam dachada uchta ayiq yashagan. Bir kuni ular pyuresi stolda sovib ketayotganda sayrga chiqishga qaror qilishdi.
Ular ketayotib, ularning yozgi uyiga Goldiloks ismli qiziquvchan qiz kelib qoldi. U ichkariga qaradi va stol ustidagi uchta piyola bo‘tqani ko‘rdi. Birinchi piyola juda issiq edi, ikkinchi kosa juda sovuq edi, lekin uchinchi piyola to’g’ri edi. Shunday qilib, u hammasini yedi.
Shundan so’ng, Goldilocks xonada uchta stulni ko’rdi. Birinchi stul juda katta edi, ikkinchi stul juda kichik edi, lekin uchinchi stul juda to’g’ri edi. Ammo u o‘tirishi bilan stul parchalanib ketdi.
Charchaganini his qilgan Goldilocks yuqoriga chiqib, uchta karavot topdi. Birinchi to’shak juda qattiq, ikkinchi to’shak juda yumshoq edi, lekin uchinchi to’shak to’g’ri edi. Shunday qilib, u uxlab qoldi.
Uchta ayiq uyga qaytganida, ularning yozgi uyida kimdir bo’lganini payqashdi. Ayiq dadasi qichqirdi, ona ayiq burnini tortdi, bolakay esa singan kursini ko‘rib yig‘lab yubordi. Ammo keyin ular Goldilocks chaqaloq ayiqning to’shagida uxlayotganini aniqladilar.
Goldilocks uyg’onib, uchta g’azablangan ayiqni unga qarab turganini ko’rdi. U tezda karavotdan sakrab turdi va iloji boricha tezroq yozgi uydan yugurib chiqdi.
Shu vaqtdan boshlab Goldiloks boshqa odamlarning mulkini hurmat qilishni va hech qachon birovning uyiga ruxsatsiz kirmaslikni o’rgandi. Uchta ayiq esa singan stullarini tuzatib, tinch uyquga joylashish oldidan bo‘tqalaridan lazzatlanishdi.
Bolalar uchun inglizcha ertak 4: The Three Little Pigs (Uchta cho’chqacha)
Once upon a time, there were three little pigs who decided to leave their mother’s home and build their own houses. The first little pig built his house out of straw, the second little pig built his house out of sticks, and the third little pig built his house out of bricks.
One day, a big bad wolf came along and saw the houses. He went to the first little pig’s house and said, «Little pig, little pig, let me come in.» But the little pig replied, «Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin.»
The wolf huffed and puffed and blew the straw house down. The little pig ran to his brother’s house made of sticks. The wolf followed and said, «Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in.» But both pigs replied, «Not by the hair on our chinny chin chins.»
The wolf huffed and puffed and blew the stick house down. The two little pigs ran to their brother’s house made of bricks. The wolf followed and said, «Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in.» But all three pigs replied, «Not by the hair on our chinny chin chins.»
The wolf huffed and puffed but couldn’t blow the brick house down. So he climbed onto the roof and tried to come down the chimney. But the clever third little pig had a pot of boiling water waiting for him, and the wolf fell into it and ran away.
From then on, the three little pigs lived happily ever after in their strong brick house. They learned that hard work and determination pay off, and that it’s important to be prepared for any challenges that may come their way.
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Bir vaqtlar uchta kichkina cho’chqa bor edi, ular onalarining uyini tashlab, o’z uylarini qurishga qaror qilishdi. Birinchi kichkina cho’chqa o’z uyini somondan qurdi, ikkinchi kichkina cho’chqa o’z uyini tayoqdan qurdi va uchinchi kichkina cho’chqa uyini g’ishtdan qurdi.
Bir kuni katta yomon bo’ri kelib, uylarni ko’rdi. U birinchi kichkina cho’chqaning uyiga borib: «Kichik cho’chqa, kichkina cho’chqa, menga kirishga ruxsat bering», dedi. Ammo kichkina cho’chqa: «Mening jag’imning iyagidagi sochlari bilan emas», deb javob berdi.
Bo’ri xirillab, puflab, somon uyni uchirib yubordi. Kichkina cho’chqa akasining tayoqlardan yasalgan uyiga yugurdi. Bo‘ri orqasidan ergashib: “Kichik cho‘chqalar, kichkina cho‘chqalar, ichkariga kirishimga ruxsat bering”, dedi. Ammo ikkala cho’chqa ham: «Bizning iyak iyaklarimizdagi sochlardan emas», deb javob berishdi.
Bo’ri xirillab, puflab, tayoq uyini uchirib yubordi. Ikki kichkina cho’chqa g’ishtdan yasalgan akasining uyiga yugurdi. Bo‘ri orqasidan ergashib: “Kichik cho‘chqalar, kichkina cho‘chqalar, ichkariga kirishimga ruxsat bering”, dedi. Ammo uchta cho’chqa ham shunday javob berdi: «Bizning iyak iyaklarimizdagi sochlardan emas».
Bo’ri g’imirladi va pufladi, lekin g’ishtli uyni uchirib yubora olmadi. Shunday qilib, u tomga chiqib, mo’ridan pastga tushmoqchi bo’ldi. Ammo aqlli uchinchi kichkina cho’chqa uni bir idishda qaynoq suv kutayotgan edi va bo’ri unga tushib, qochib ketdi.
O’shandan beri uchta kichkina cho’chqa o’zlarining mustahkam g’ishtli uyida abadiy baxtli yashashdi. Ular mashaqqatli mehnat va qat’iyat o‘z samarasini berishini, har qanday qiyinchiliklarga tayyor bo‘lish muhimligini bilib oldilar.
Bolalar uchun inglizcha ertak 5: Jack and the Beanstalk (Jek va loviya poyasi)
Once upon a time, there was a poor boy named Jack who lived with his mother. One day, Jack’s mother asked him to sell their cow at the market. On his way, Jack met a strange old man who offered to trade five magic beans for the cow.
Jack’s mother was furious when she found out, and threw the beans out of the window. But overnight, the beans grew into a giant beanstalk that reached all the way to the sky.
Curious, Jack climbed the beanstalk and found himself in a magical land high above the clouds. He soon discovered a giant’s castle and snuck inside.
There, he saw a golden harp and a hen that laid golden eggs. Jack decided to take them and make his fortune. But as he was leaving, the giant woke up and chased him down the beanstalk.
Jack quickly chopped down the beanstalk, causing the giant to fall to his death. With his newfound wealth, Jack and his mother lived happily ever after.
The story teaches us that sometimes taking risks can lead to great rewards, but we must also be prepared to face the consequences of our actions.
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Bir paytlar Jek ismli kambag’al bola onasi bilan yashar edi. Bir kuni Jekning onasi undan sigirlarini bozorda sotishni so’radi. Yo’lda Jek g’alati cholni uchratib qoldi, u sigirga beshta sehrli loviya almashishni taklif qildi.
Jekning onasi buni bilib, jahli chiqdi va loviyani derazadan uloqtirdi. Ammo bir kechada loviya osmongacha yetib boruvchi ulkan loviya poyasiga aylandi.
Qiziq, Jek loviya poyasiga chiqdi va o’zini bulutlar ustidagi sehrli mamlakatda topdi. Tez orada u gigant qasrini topdi va ichkariga kirdi.
U erda u oltin arfa va oltin tuxum qo’ygan tovuqni ko’rdi. Jek ularni olib, boyligini oshirishga qaror qildi. Ammo ketayotganida dev uyg‘onib, uni loviya poyasidan quvib yubordi.
Jek tezda loviya poyasini kesib tashladi va bu gigantning o’limiga sabab bo’ldi. O’zining yangi boyligi bilan Jek va onasi baxtli hayot kechirishdi.
Hikoya bizga ba’zida tavakkal qilish katta mukofotlarga olib kelishi mumkinligini o’rgatadi, lekin biz o’z harakatlarimizning oqibatlariga duch kelishga ham tayyor bo’lishimiz kerak.
Bolalar uchun inglizcha ertak 6: Hansel and Gretel (Hansel va Gretel)
Once upon a time, there were two siblings named Hansel and Gretel who lived with their father and stepmother. The family was poor and struggling to make ends meet.
One day, the stepmother convinced the father to take the children deep into the forest and leave them there, as they could not afford to feed them anymore. Hansel overheard their plan and left a trail of breadcrumbs to follow back home.
However, the birds ate the breadcrumbs and the children were lost in the forest. They stumbled upon a gingerbread house and began to eat it, not realizing that it belonged to an evil witch.
The witch captured the children and planned to eat them. But clever Gretel tricked the witch and pushed her into the oven, freeing her brother and escaping the witch’s clutches.
The children found their way back home, where their father was overjoyed to see them. The stepmother had died in the meantime, and the family lived happily ever after.
The story teaches us to be wary of strangers and to trust our instincts when something seems off. It also shows the importance of sibling love and loyalty.
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Bir paytlar Hansel va Gretel ismli ikkita aka-singil otasi va o’gay onasi bilan yashagan. Oila kambag’al edi va kun kechirish uchun kurashardi.
Kunlarning birida o‘gay ona otani bolalarni o‘rmonga olib borib, o‘sha yerda qoldirishga ko‘ndiradi, chunki ular endi boqishga qurbi yetmaydi. Hansel ularning rejasini eshitdi va uyga qaytish uchun non bo’laklarini qoldirdi.
Biroq, qushlar non bo’laklarini yeydilar va bolalar o’rmonda adashib qolishdi. Ular zanjabilli uyga qoqilib, yovuz jodugarga tegishli ekanligini tushunmay, uni eyishni boshladilar.
Jodugar bolalarni qo’lga oldi va ularni eyishni rejalashtirdi. Ammo aqlli Gretel jodugarni aldab, uni pechga itarib yubordi, ukasini ozod qildi va jodugarning changalidan qutuldi.
Bolalar uylariga qaytish yo’lini topdilar, otalari ularni ko’rib xursand bo’ldi. Bu orada o‘gay ona olamdan o‘tib, oila baxtli hayot kechirardi.
Hikoya bizni begonalardan ehtiyot bo’lishga va biror narsa noto’g’ri bo’lib tuyulsa, o’z instinktlarimizga ishonishga o’rgatadi. Shuningdek, u birodarlar mehri va sadoqatining muhimligini ko’rsatadi.
Bolalar uchun inglizcha ertak 7: The Ugly Duckling (Xunuk o’rdakcha/Irkit o’rdakcha)
Once upon a time, there was an egg that hatched into an ugly duckling. The other animals in the barnyard made fun of him and refused to play with him because of his appearance.
The ugly duckling felt sad and alone, and he decided to run away from the barnyard. He wandered through the countryside, looking for a place where he could belong.
As he grew older, the ugly duckling began to change. His feathers became more beautiful, and he grew taller and stronger. One day, he saw a group of swans swimming on a lake and was amazed by their beauty.
The ugly duckling approached the swans, expecting them to reject him like everyone else. But to his surprise, they welcomed him with open wings. And as he looked at his reflection in the water, he realized that he was no longer an ugly duckling but a beautiful swan.
The story teaches us to not judge others based on their appearance and to have patience and faith in ourselves. It also shows us that sometimes we need to leave our comfort zone to find where we truly belong.
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Bir paytlar tuxumdan xunuk o‘rdakcha chiqqan ekan. Hovlidagi boshqa hayvonlar uni masxara qilishdi va tashqi ko’rinishi uchun u bilan o’ynashdan bosh tortishdi.
Xunuk o’rdak o’zini g’amgin va yolg’iz his qildi va u hovlidan qochishga qaror qildi. U qishloqlarni kezib, o’ziga tegishli joy qidirdi.
U ulg’aygan sari xunuk o’rdak o’zgara boshladi. Uning patlari yanada chiroyli bo’lib, bo’yi o’sib, kuchayib bordi. Bir kuni u ko‘lda suzayotgan oqqushlarni ko‘rib, ularning go‘zalligidan hayratda qoladi.
Xunuk o’rdak oqqushlarga yaqinlashdi va ular hamma kabi uni rad etishlarini kutdi. Lekin uni hayratda qoldirib, ular uni qanotlarini ochib kutib olishdi. Va u suvdagi o’z aksini ko’rib, u endi xunuk o’rdak emas, balki go’zal oqqush ekanligini angladi.
Hikoya bizni boshqalarni tashqi ko’rinishiga qarab hukm qilmaslik va sabr-toqat va o’zimizga ishonishni o’rgatadi. Bu shuningdek, ba’zida biz haqiqatan ham qayerga tegishli ekanligimizni topish uchun komfort zonamizdan chiqib ketishimiz kerakligini ko’rsatadi.
Bolalar uchun inglizcha ertak 8: The Tortoise and the Hare (Toshbaqa va quyon)
Once upon a time, there was a hare who was very proud of his speed. He would often boast about how fast he could run and how no one could beat him in a race.
One day, a tortoise overheard the hare bragging and challenged him to a race. The hare laughed at the tortoise and accepted the challenge, thinking it would be an easy win.
The race began, and the hare quickly took off, leaving the slow-moving tortoise far behind. The hare was so confident in his speed that he decided to take a nap halfway through the race.
Meanwhile, the tortoise kept moving steadily towards the finish line. When the hare woke up from his nap, he realized that the tortoise was almost at the finish line. The hare ran as fast as he could, but it was too late. The tortoise had won the race.
The hare was shocked and embarrassed that he had lost to a slow-moving tortoise. He learned a valuable lesson that day — that overconfidence and laziness can lead to failure.
The story teaches us that slow and steady wins the race and that hard work and determination are more important than natural talent or abilities.
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Bir paytlar bir quyon bor edi, u o’zining tezligidan juda faxrlanardi. U tez-tez tez yugurishi va hech kim uni poygada mag’lub eta olmasligi haqida maqtanardi.
Bir kuni toshbaqa quyonning maqtanishini eshitib qoldi va uni poygaga chorladi. Quyon toshbaqa ustidan kulib, oson g’alaba qozonishini o’ylab, qiyinchilikka rozi bo’ldi.
Poyga boshlandi va quyon tezda uchib ketdi va sekin harakatlanuvchi toshbaqani ancha orqada qoldirdi. Quyon o’z tezligiga shunchalik ishondiki, u poyganing yarmida uxlab qolishga qaror qildi.
Bu orada toshbaqa marraga qarab tinmay yuraverdi. Quyon uyqudan uyg‘onganida toshbaqa marraga yaqinlashib qolganini angladi. Quyon imkoni boricha tez yugurdi, lekin juda kech edi. Toshbaqa poygada g‘olib chiqqan edi.
Quyon sekin yurgan toshbaqaga yutqazganidan hayratda qoldi va xijolat tortdi. O’sha kuni u qimmatli saboq oldi — o’ziga ortiqcha ishonch va dangasalik muvaffaqiyatsizlikka olib kelishi mumkin.
Hikoya bizga sekin va barqaror poygada g’alaba qozonishini va mehnatsevarlik va qat’iyat tabiiy iste’dod yoki qobiliyatdan muhimroq ekanligini o’rgatadi.
Bolalar uchun inglizcha ertak 9: The Emperor’s New Clothes (Imperatorning yangi kiyimlari)
Once upon a time, there was an emperor who loved nothing more than fine clothing. He spent all of his time and money on the most extravagant outfits, and his wardrobe was the envy of all the land.
One day, two weavers came to the emperor’s court claiming to be able to make him the finest suit of clothes he had ever seen. They claimed that their fabric was so special that it was invisible to anyone who was unfit for their position, stupid or incompetent.
The emperor, eager to see this amazing fabric, gave the weavers a large sum of money and instructed them to begin work immediately.
Days went by, and the weavers pretended to work on the fabric, but in reality, they were doing nothing at all. They would constantly ask for more money and supplies, claiming that they needed them to finish the magical cloth.
Finally, the weavers announced that the emperor’s new clothes were ready. The emperor eagerly put on the invisible suit and paraded through the streets, with all of his subjects admiring his new outfit.
However, a small child in the crowd spoke up and said, «But he isn’t wearing anything at all!» The people began to whisper and soon everyone realized that the emperor had been tricked.
The emperor was humiliated but learned a valuable lesson about vanity and the dangers of being too trusting. From that day forward, he vowed to be more careful about who he trusted and what he believed.
The story teaches us that appearances can be deceiving, and that it is important to use our own judgment and not simply follow the crowd.
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Bir paytlar bir imperator bor edi, u chiroyli kiyimdan boshqa narsani yaxshi ko’rmaydi. U o’zining barcha vaqtini va pulini eng hashamatli kiyimlarga sarfladi va uning shkafi butun yerga hasad qildi.
Bir kuni ikki to’quvchi imperator saroyiga kelib, unga u ko’rgan eng zo’r kiyim-kechak yasashga qodir ekanliklarini da’vo qilishdi. Ularning ta’kidlashicha, ularning matolari shu qadar o’ziga xos ediki, u o’z lavozimiga yaroqsiz, ahmoq yoki qobiliyatsiz har qanday odamga ko’rinmas edi.
Bu hayratlanarli matoni ko‘rishga ishtiyoqmand bo‘lgan imperator to‘quvchiga katta miqdorda pul berib, zudlik bilan ishga kirishishni buyurdi.
Kunlar o‘tdi, to‘quvchilar go‘yo mato ustida ishlayotgandek bo‘lishdi, lekin aslida ular hech narsa qilmayapti. Ular sehrli matoni tugatish uchun ularga kerak, deb tinmay ko’proq pul va materiallar so’rashardi.
Nihoyat, to‘quvchilar imperatorning yangi kiyimlari tayyor bo‘lganini e’lon qilishdi. Imperator ishtiyoq bilan ko’rinmas kostyumni kiyib, ko’chalarni aylanib chiqdi, uning barcha fuqarolari uning yangi kiyimiga qoyil qolishdi.
Biroq, olomon orasidan bir kichkina bola gapirdi va: «Lekin u hech narsa kiymagan!» Odamlar pichirlay boshladilar va tez orada hamma imperatorning aldanganini tushundi.
Imperator xo’rlandi, lekin behudalik va haddan tashqari ishonish xavfi haqida qimmatli saboq oldi. O’sha kundan boshlab u kimga ishonishi va nimaga ishonishi haqida ko’proq ehtiyot bo’lishga va’da berdi.
Hikoya bizga tashqi ko’rinish aldamchi bo’lishi mumkinligini o’rgatadi va shunchaki olomonga ergashmasdan, o’z mulohazalarimizdan foydalanish muhimligini o’rgatadi.
Bolalar uchun inglizcha ertak 10: The Gingerbread Man (Pechenye odam)
Once upon a time, there was an old woman who lived in a small cottage. One day, she decided to bake a gingerbread man. She mixed the dough, cut it into the shape of a man, and put it in the oven to bake.
As soon as the gingerbread man was done, he jumped out of the oven and ran out of the cottage. The old woman and her husband chased after him, but they couldn’t catch him.
The gingerbread man ran past a cow, a horse, and a pig, all of whom tried to catch him, but he was too fast for them. He taunted them as he ran, shouting, «Run, run, as fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man!»
As he continued to run, he came across a river. He didn’t know how to swim, so he asked a sly fox for help. The fox offered to carry him across the river on his back, but warned him that he might try to eat him.
The gingerbread man was hesitant, but the fox convinced him that he wouldn’t do such a thing. As they crossed the river, the fox suddenly snapped his jaws and ate the gingerbread man.
The old woman and her husband never saw the gingerbread man again. The moral of the story is that sometimes things may seem too good to be true, and we should be careful who we trust.
Ushbu ertakni audio shaklida tinglash yoki video shaklida ko’rish uchun bosing > AUDIO / VIDEO
Ushbu ertak tarjimasi Google tarjimon orqali:
Bir paytlar kichkina dachada bir kampir yashar ekan. Bir kuni u zanjabilli non pishirishga qaror qildi. U xamirni aralashtirib, uni erkak shaklida kesib, pechga qo’ydi.
Zanjabil pishirib bo‘lgan zahoti u pechdan sakrab tushdi va dachadan yugurib chiqdi. Kampir bilan eri uning orqasidan quvdilar, ammo ushlay olmadilar.
Zanjabil sigir, ot va cho‘chqa yonidan yugurib o‘tdi, ularning hammasi uni ushlamoqchi bo‘ldi, lekin ular uchun juda tez edi. U yugurayotganda ularni mazax qildi va baqirdi: «Yugur, yugur, iloji boricha tezroq! Meni ushlay olmaysiz, men zanjabilli odamman!»
Yugurishda davom etarkan, daryoga duch keldi. U suzishni bilmagani uchun ayyor tulkidan yordam so‘radi. Tulki uni daryoning narigi tomoniga chalqancha olib o’tishni taklif qildi, lekin uni eyishga harakat qilishi mumkinligidan ogohlantirdi.
Gingerbread odam ikkilanib qoldi, lekin tulki uni bunday ish qilmasligiga ishontirdi. Ular daryodan o’tishayotganda, tulki birdan jag’larini yirtib tashladi va zanjabilni yeydi.
Kampir va uning eri zanjabilni boshqa ko‘rmadilar. Hikoyaning axloqi shundaki, ba’zida narsalar haqiqat bo’lishi uchun juda yaxshi bo’lib tuyulishi mumkin va biz kimga ishonganimizdan ehtiyot bo’lishimiz kerak.