TOP-30 inglizcha tez aytishlar to’plami bolalar uchun

Inglizcha tez aytishlar bolalar uchun. Ingliz tilida yozilgan tez aytish to’plami kichkintoylarga mo’ljallangan. Marhamat!

  1. Zebras zig and zebras zag (google tarjimasi: Zebralar zig va zebralar zag)

  2. Greek grapes, Greek grapes, Greek grapes (google tarjimasi: Yunon uzumlari, yunon uzumlari, yunon uzumlari)

  3. Lucky rabbits like to cause a ruckus (google tarjimasi: Baxtli quyonlar shov-shuvga sabab bo’lishni yaxshi ko’radilar)

  4. Fred fed Ted bread and Ted fed Fred bread (google tarjimasi: Fred Ted nonini, Ted esa Fred nonini boqdi)

  5. Four furious friends fought for the phone (google tarjimasi: To’rtta g’azablangan do’st telefon uchun kurashdi)

  6. Spread it thick, say it quick (google tarjimasi: Uni qalin qilib yoying, tez ayting)

  7. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream (google tarjimasi: Men qichqiraman, siz baqirasiz, biz hammamiz muzqaymoq uchun qichqiramiz)

  8. Five frantic frogs fled from fifty fierce fishes (google tarjimasi: Beshta g’azablangan qurbaqa ellikta shiddatli baliqdan qochib ketdi)

  9. A synonym for cinnamon is a cinnamon synonym (google tarjimasi: Dolchin sinonimi dolchin sinonimidir)

  10. Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs (google tarjimasi: O’n ikki egizak o’n ikki novdani aylantirdi)

  11. If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose? (google tarjimasi: Agar it poyabzalni chaynasa, u kimning poyabzalini tanlaydi?)

  12. If you notice this notice, you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing (google tarjimasi: Agar siz ushbu bildirishnomani ko’rsangiz, bu bildirishnoma e’tiborga olinmasligini sezasiz.)

  13. She sells seashells by the seashore (google tarjimasi: U dengiz qirg’og’ida dengiz chig’anoqlarini sotadi)

  14. A big black bug bit a big black bear (google tarjimasi: Katta qora hasharot katta qora ayiqni tishladi)

  15. She sold six shabby sheared sheep on ship (google tarjimasi: U oltita qirqib olingan qo’yni kemada sotdi)

  16. Sheep should sleep in a shed (google tarjimasi: Qo’ylar shiyponda uxlashlari kerak)

  17. The blue bluebird blinks (google tarjimasi: Moviy ko’k qush miltillaydi)

  18. He threw three free throws (google tarjimasi: U uchta jarima zarbasini amalga oshirdi)

  19. Billybob blabbered boldly (google tarjimasi: Billybob dadillik bilan gapirdi)

  20. Light the night light tonight (google tarjimasi: Bu kecha tungi chiroqni yoqing)

  21. I wish to wash my Irish wristwatch (google tarjimasi: Men irlandiyalik qo’l soatimni yuvmoqchiman)

  22. Kitty caught the kitten eating chicken in the kitchen (google tarjimasi: Kitti mushukchani oshxonada tovuq go’shti yeb o’tirganini ushlab oldi)

  23. The bottom of the butter bucket is the buttered bucket bottom (google tarjimasi: Yog ‘paqirining pastki qismi yog’langan chelakning pastki qismidir)

  24. I saw a saw that could out saw any other saw I ever saw (google tarjimasi: Men ko’rgan har qanday boshqa arrani ko’ra oladigan arra ko’rdim)

  25. Background background, black, black, brown, brown (google tarjimasi: Fon fon, qora, qora, jigarrang, jigarrang)

  26. The boot black brought the black boot back (google tarjimasi: Qora etik qora etikni qaytarib olib keldi)

  27. I Slit a sheet, a sheet I slit. Upon the slitted sheet I sit (google tarjimasi: Men varaqni yordim, varaqni yordim. Men kesilgan choyshabga o’tiraman)

  28. Which wrist watches are swiss wrist watches? (google tarjimasi: Qaysi qo’l soatlari Shveytsariya qo’l soatlari?)

  29. Cooks cook cupcakes quickly (google tarjimasi: Oshpazlar keklarni tez pishiradi)

  30. Lesser leather never weathered wetter weather better (google tarjimasi: Kichkina teri hech qachon nam ob-havoni yaxshi o’tkazmagan)